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  • Writer's pictureSahmyah

Working On and For Myself

Doing the shadow work to heal past traumas and elevate myself to my highest plane is something that continues to be a rigorous and trying journey. I'm only just starting, or at least it feels that way. Of course, I still have much more to do in terms of time and involvement in this journey. But, I'm getting there. So far, one of the...epiphanies--you could say--that have resulted from this self-work has been that the only person I want to work for is myself. In the past, I have only entertained this idea being something that "would be nice" or "seems like a dream". Now, I am working on making this a reality. Lately, this goal has been more pressing for me, and I know it's something that I want whole-heartedly, so I am willing to do what it takes and put in the work to get where I want to be. I don't want to share too many details about my plans. When it comes to your goals and aspirations, it's okay to share, but it's important to keep the juicy stuff to yourself and hone in on that without anyone else's opinions or insecurities to distract you from what you want to achieve yourself. Along with that, it is also important--SO important--to give yourself grace. Especially if you have to worry about pre-existing priorities and/or engagements outside of what it is that you want to do for yourself. It isn't easy. A lot of times I find myself struggling to choose between resting and giving myself time to decompress from the stresses of work and putting in an extra half-hour to hour of self-work after an already-long day. This is why it is important to give yourself a schedule that you can adhere to. I kept repelling from this idea because I can't create an actual schedule when my job doesn't even have one. I mean: I literally don't know what my day will look like until I wake up at 7:00AM. Sometimes I'm blessed to know about it the night before. With that being said, I can't tell myself, "Okay, we're going to dedicate this time for blogging and at this time we'll edit." But, it's not always necessary to dedicate a specific time and you shouldn't let that keep you from making yourself and your desires a priority. So, I simply told myself to dedicate a certain amount of time towards working for myself. I know that at some point in my day I'll have that time, so when I do, I use it wisely. It's all a work in progress, but I'm already seeing my growth as an individual and I'm excited to discover more about myself and my capabilities in learning to adapt and never taking no for an answer; wherever that 'no' may present itself. There's always more work to be done, and I'm working and learning and living. For me.


I have a YouTube channel! It's called Sunny Archives (convenient, huh?). I just uploaded my Lake Monticello video so check it out here:


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