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  • Writer's pictureSahmyah

A Year Passed and Returned

Here we are in the year 2023 and it is already moving by so quickly! Obviously, the perception of a year's pace is highly subjective and dependent on an individual's personal, human experience. Mine has been put on fast forward ever since October 4th, 2022. In order to get you lovely readers up to speed, here's how it's been going down since that fateful day:

  • I started a new job.

  • I work for 8 days straight (Tuesday to Tuesday) and return home for 6 days respite.

  • I am struggling at managing my time away from work in order to do more than just catch up on sleep for almost a week straight.

It's amazing how when you put things into bullet points they don't seem as if much is going on. But, that's exactly how I would describe the past 4 months: so much happening whilst nothing is really "going on". It's been a blessing to work at a job that is fulfilling both personally and financially. Alas, life happens, things change, FEELINGS change, plans alter, and moves must be made. Your lovely blogger is, once again, on the hunt for another job. Don't get me wrong, this position is almost everything I've ever wanted in a job. It's not the work, it's me.

Let me get real with you guys: I just wanna be home! I miss my partner, my mom, my animals, my home, MY SELF. The 6 days spent at home moves by so fast and before I know it, I'm out in the field again. I spoke with my boss about the upcoming changes to occur in June and he put it so plainly, "You have to be so disciplined at adulting when you go home. You already know that nothing is getting done on Wednesday because that's the time to sleep in. Then, if you lag around Thursday and Friday, nothing will get done over the weekend because...well, it's the weekend. Then comes Monday and it's time to get ready to go back to work and there's not really any mental space to do anything but preparation."

Ditto, y'all....ditto.

Even when I am on top of the things I want to get done, it still isn't enough time to get things done that are a result of the random chaos of life; things that pop up in the moment and would be best dealt with AT the moment of occurrence.

Needless to say, there have been some major changes in my life that happened both right before I started and throughout the time that I've been there. When I feel ready, I'll share it with you all...maybe. ;)

All that aside, I am excited for all that this new year has to offer. Though it is another task amongst the general, hulking, umbrella of ~adulting~, I am actually excited to find a job that brings me closer to home. My partner spoke with me earlier today about how his mindset has changed around his work. From over-personalizing to healthily compartmentalizing, he's found a way to have a good relationship with his work, though it may not be his dream job, it fulfills some of his needs and he's in a place where he can separate from it at the end of the day and enjoy life outside of it. This gave me hope that though I may be stepping away from a nearly-perfect ideal of a job, there's more in store for me and it'll look different, but it'll be just what I need.

Anyways, thanks for tuning into my words, today. I hope you have a sunny day no matter the weather or time of day. Keep your mind full of sunshine.

Until next time, Reader.

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