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  • Writer's pictureSahmyah

I have no desire to be complacent.

I watched this YouTube video today (20210315) entitled, "I have no desire to be complacent" by Trinity. (Make sure to follow her because she's dope. A dope, young, black female.) She spoke of how we often fall into this pit of complacency and being stagnant with not only our place in life, but with ourselves and our own personal development. For as long as I've known me, I have always run away from being stagnant or have at least been pushed in that direction by my mother. Though it was usually relating to academics, she never wanted me to be complacent and I carried that mindset with me throughout all avenues of life. (The initiation of this site is an effort to remove myself from a place that screams complacency.)

Now, I find myself a young, black female, who has accomplished so much in life and I'm still working on who I am and what I want. I'm honestly only just realizing what I want and at the same time I'm still figuring out what that is. But, what I do know 100%? I have no desire to be complacent. Whatever I choose to do, I will always work towards doing it better. I'm trying to do me, better. Now, complacency is not to be confused with never being content. That's another thing Trinity spoke on: aiming to be content all the time instead of happy all the time (because it's unrealistic). Your contentment is not to be affiliated with complacency. Work towards being content and with that continuously work on bettering yourself because that is a job you must hold until you are no longer breathing.

That's all I wanted to share with you all. Check out Trinity! Her content is just as bomb as she is. Truly a beautiful and elegant soul placed on this rock. Her YouTube channel is "trinity" and her Instagram account is @etherealtrinity. While you're at it, you can follow me on Instagram @haymhas, too if you'd like ;)

That's it. Thank you for being here. Go on and have a Sunny day.


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