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  • Writer's pictureSahmyah

This is Me 2

Where'd we leave off? Oh yeah....the doggos. It's funny. I sat down to write the second part to this..."series"?...and I'm at a blank.


There are several activities that I dabble in during my free time. I enjoy reading and writing (not a shocker) and you can almost always find me cooking or baking. Various forms of art, roller skating, video games and knitting are delved into every now and then, as well. Lately, the hobbies I've been into the most are writing (this blog) and art--specifically painting. These are my calm hobbies. They bring me peace, tranquility, and they take up a good amount of time once I get into the zone--especially when it comes to painting. Recently, acrylic has made it back into the rotation, but for a period of time I was focusing on developing my watercolor skills. We're still trying to figure out what my niche is in the art world as it relates to using my hands and a canvas or piece of paper. When I have the funds and the time, scuba diving is a hobby as well. I haven't been able to partake in it since graduating, though so hopefully I'll be able to go again, soon. My favorite scuba memory goes back to the very first time I got into the water with all of my gear. Once we landed on the ocean floor I spotted a sea cucumber that looked like a giant Cheeto puff. Let's just say that that sighting made my day. I was so excited to view an animal that had only been on a textbook page, in real life. That, along with seeing a shark for the first time during Spring Break of 2018 in Florida are key moments in my scuba career. If you love the ocean, I highly suggest giving scuba diving a try. It's an amazing experience to be a part of.

Now that the weather is a little nicer, I'll be able to start hiking again. I absolutely love the outdoors. It, too, brings me peace and tranquility--rain or shine.

My origins.

Like I mentioned in the first part of this series, I'm from New Jersey--Bergen County, to be more specific. I was born and raised in the same town for most of my life and lived in NYC from time to time. Looking at the fact that I moved and have been here since 2017 and have no intentions of moving back, I was ready to leave. I needed change, more space, different surroundings, and SC definitely brought that and much more. In terms of familial origins, my mother's side is from the Caribbean and my father's side is from the South. It was always my mother and I from the beginning, so I resonate with Caribbean culture the most. Her mother is from Trinidad and her father is from Antigua. From the food to the music, this culture has been engrained in me from the very beginning. I would have to say that's what I miss the most about NYC: the plethora of Caribbean cuisine establishments and people.

Here and Now

So this is it. Not all of it; but enough. This is me.

Here I am, 21 years old, excited, thrilled and optimistic for the years ahead. With every day, life becomes more full of experiences and adventure. I'm just trying to keep my eyes and mind open to receive them fully. Starting next week I will begin my new job prospect and I'm confident that it will take me far. We shall see what new happenstances bring.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about me. I had less to say than anticipated, so let me know if there's anything you'd like to know about me.

You're the best. I really appreciate you being here.

Have a Sunny day.

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