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  • Writer's pictureSahmyah

This is Me

So, I figured I'd just dedicate one post towards giving a brief description on the overlord behind this site.

Uhhh...the basics?

My name is Sahmyah. I am 21 years old and I reside in South Carolina, USA. I have been here for about 4 years now and I am loving it. I am originally from New Jersey, but I moved down here in 2017 to attend university and have been here ever since. I love the extensive greenery and the space. My four years in the south consisted of attending and graduating university, experiencing living in my mom's first house (we've only lived in apartments, before), finding love in the form of a partner and three dogs, and recently purchasing my first home. Needless to say, living in the South has brought me a lot of joy, experiences, and memorable life chapters.

In case you're interested, here are some specifics.

I graduated from Coastal Carolina University with a B.S. in Marine Science. I now work as a Lab Tech at another university and long story short, I hate it here. But, we're working on that, so that's temporary ( assignment ends in October of this year). Why Marine Science? I have always loved nature, the ocean, swimming, etcetera etcetera. I put the words "marine biology" together for the first time during my junior year of high school when I took an honors marine bio course and fell in love. I ended up doing a summer program that same school year where I learned more about the ocean and earned my diving certifications. Though I still love the field, the job availability is unrealistic and my location isn't the worst or best to succeed in it. It'll always hold a special place in my heart, though.

I have agreed to a herd of headaches and laughter.

He is a 4-year-old Chiweenie (that's a chihuahua and dachshund mixed). Personality? Meh. He's a very loving, friendly, and playful dog...towards humans. Yes, you read that right. This dog would be a human if he could. This was surprising, to say the least, when we got our next dog. My partner used to board Sebastian when he used to travel for work and he always received good report on him playing with the other dogs, even those much bigger than him. When we introduced him to potential seconds he wasn't really feeling any of them. He'd jump on my partner's lap or go to the other side of the know, antisocial activity. That attitude towards the other two hasn't really changed and honestly I don't think it ever will. Dogs are stubborn, but Dr. Seb? A master at disregarding repetitive attempts to get him to do something. Don't worry though, he's not completely hostile. He's much more comfortable being near them now whereas before he'd completely exit. The occasional butt sniff or playful zoom around is a success for me. The second, the polar bear, the ghost: Creme (pronounced Cream, not as the French translation).

She is a 2-year-old Huskador (a husky and a lab...there's debate that she might have some golden retriever in her too, but I mean this in the nicest way when I say that I do not think she's smart enough to have that blood). Personality? A lot. This girl is something--a lot of things: very loving, VERY playful, very friendly, crazy, wild, and EXTREMELY needy. I know, dogs in general are needy, but Creme has an undying need to be in your face 24/7 and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't get exhausting at times. Needless to say, she is the sweetest out of the herd. She knows when we're feeling down because she always seems to put her head on your lap in the moment when you're feeling horrible. She'll tip toe if she senses tension and will approach you, almost as if she's asking if everything is okay or as if she's trying to de-escalate. Now that I think of it, she deserves more credit than we give her. She gives us a lot of laughter, but makes sure to balance that out with some stress, too. Creme loves to run away. She'll come back every time. But, she loves to escape and explore when we're not watching. Just the other day my partner went outside to notice she was no longer there and after five minutes of calling out her name she comes trotting down the street as if she just went for a stroll. There were a lot of emotions in that moment, but I was honestly just glad she was still alive. Another part of that is she was with our most recently acquired pup and he loves her to death and follows her nearly everywhere, so we feared he followed her and couldn't keep up with her pace and became someone's new free dog. He never left the backyard. The hippo who's been partially painted, the third: Bun B.

He is a 4-month-old American Bully (specific type TBD). We've only had Bun for about a month, now and we've learned so much about him, already. Personality? A perfect mix between the other two. Bun resembles Sebastian in his ability to chill and do his own thing without needing human attention. Then, he resembles Creme when he gets playful and wants to cuddle with you and be all over you. In terms of what quality belongs to Bun and only Bun? The noise. This pup is so vocal, it's crazy. He just whines and cries and whines and cries for every little thing. If he's hungry, needs

to use the bathroom (or already has and his notifying you he's had an accident in the house), wants to play, can't get something or onto something, uncomfortable, or unsatisfied, you will know. I'd have to say that and his disregard for in-home bathroom cues are his only downfalls. That and the fact that he is so slow and lazy it's hilarious. All that said, he's been a lovely addition to the herd.

Before we got Bun, Creme didn't have anyone to play with besides us since Sebastian won't play with her unless it's a random short bout of "I like you enough in this very moment". Bun and her have become best friends and I couldn't be happier. I'm excited for him to get bigger and become more active so he can keep up with her. Right now she's "breaking his ankles" with how fast she turns on him.

Boy...that was a lot about fur babies.

I honestly did not expect to have so much to say about them, but I don't regret any of it. They're a huge part of my life and it wouldn't be the same without them. I do have more to share about myself; things that are actually about me and not about my dogs. However, I don't want to make this too long so I'll just finish that off in another post. I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know a little bit about me. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and join me on the Spaces app for some more off-site discussions. Thank you for being here and have a most Sunny day.

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