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Lake Day at Monticello

Updated: May 20, 2021

There couldn’t be a more perfect way to spend a Sunday. We woke up early, packed the car and headed to the lake. The drive was gorgeous. Endless roads of green saturated the lengthy journey. There were only a couple trucks of fishermen there, when we arrived. They were clear of the loading area so it was a perfect set up. Putting together the kayak didn’t take much time, so much so that we took a couple of pictures to capture the moment.

The paddle out was nerve wracking, but only because of the newness it presented. The current was in the direction we were heading, so it worked perfectly for us. The sky was clear and it was a sunny day which made for comfortable weather despite the wind chill throughout the ride. Our path consisted of roughly traveling along the shore and making our way around the lake. We stopped a few times so that my partner could cast a couple of lines. Then, we made our way to a beach ins-sight that looked inviting. I ended up taking the charge on getting us there from our most recent fishing stop. Let’s just say I put in some good cardio and got us there in “record” time. When we got there, we gazed around for a while, pleased with our progress and captured some more of our adventure, of course.

Then, we ended up taking about a 20 minute stroll along the beach and it was lovely. I was mesmerized by all of the beautiful oyster shells that were littered along the shore. It’s amazing how they look so humble on the outside with a dark brownish-black shell but as soon as you open them they are pools of pearlescent greens and blues. I was collecting a few of them, but was so engulfed by the beauty of my surroundings that I left all of my treasures there. But, I know they’ll still be there when I go back.

The journey back to our starting place was rough. We were going against the the wind so it was much more difficult than when we started. I'm not gonna lie, I was getting frustrated and discouraged because we were paddling so hard, but it felt like we weren't getting anywhere. Take note of this, if you are kayaking across a lake and you're going against the wind/current, DO NOT use the shore to the left/right of you as a progress meter because you WILL go insane thinking that no progress is being made. It's funny, you would think that looking in front would cause that effect, but looking forward is what gave us hope that we weren't just staying in one spot. After recollecting ourselves and taking deep breaths, we took on the charge and made it back, safely. Definitely got my endurance workout that afternoon.

I’d have to say that day was a form of self-care for me. Physical activity and adventure always do it for me. I can’t wait to go out again. Spending time with my love and exploring our area in a new way definitely became a most-memorable experience of our time together. I can’t wait for more voyages and discoveries. Life’s adventures continue to await me.

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